Can I work more than 20 hours in Canada?

Can I work more than 20 hours in Canada?

You can work up to 20 hours per week while classes are in session if you are eligible to work off-campus. You are authorised to work more than 20 hours during specified breaks, such as the summer or winter holidays, and spring break.

No, You can only begin working in Canada once you have begun your studies. You are unable to work prior to the start of your education. Learn more about who is allowed to work off campus, including part-time students and students on leave.

As an international student in Canada, how many hours am I allowed to work?

During the academic year, full-time students are not permitted to work more than 20 hours off-campus.

This is a requirement of your study visa, and breaking it can have serious ramifications for your immigration status, including jeopardising your chances of obtaining permanent residency after graduation or, in the worst-case situation, deportation.

What kinds of occupations are there for me to choose from?

The majority of jobs available to overseas students will be entry-level roles if you work part-time. Retail and merchandising positions, front desk tasks, servers in food and beverage services, and baristas in cafés are all examples of these employment, which are typically found on or near university campuses.

You’re paid by the hour for the amount of shifts you complete in a week, and it’s your job to let your bosses know about your work schedule restrictions. Request shifts that don’t conflict with your schedule so you can relax in between school and job.

What if I work more than 20 hours off-campus?

Keep in mind that on your study visa, you are not permitted to work for more than 20 hours a week off-campus. You may be asked to leave Canada if you do not comply.

Worse, it may cause complications when applying for a PR or graduate work permit. Aside from that, there are several advantages to which you may be denied access.

To keep an eye on the immigrants, Canada has active law enforcement organizations. As a result, while studying, living, or working in Canada, follow the laws. Remember that your primary goal is to study in Canada, not to work.

For example from a student in Canada who tried working more than 20hours a week and this is what he experienced. Read below:

I have been stressed out for the last couple of hours on what to do about this situation.

So I am on my last semester of University and I really needed a part-time job to gain some experience so I can find a full-time job once I graduate. After working really hard I found it. Initially I got like 5 – 9 hours per week and it has been like that for 4 months now.

Since I wanted my manager to give me more shifts, I worked really sincerely and really hard to build my reputation. Finally I started getting more shifts and for the last 2 weeks I got around 13-15 hours of work per week. This week today I realized that I am actually going to be working more than 20 hours if I go on with the schedule. So immediately I told my manager that I can’t be working more than 20. Manager told me everyone does it so it’s ok. But ofcourse it was eating into my conscience so I said I can’t do it. The manager told me he/she was too busy to change the schedule for this week and the next one, so If I wanted to work 20 hours I would have to find someone else to cover. I tried my best to give my shift to someone else but they were either working or can’t cover for me.

I will be trying again to give my shift to others next week and it looks like they will be able to cover for me. My worry is about this week. I can’t skip work or have others cover it. I will be working 7 hours more than my limit. But from next week on I will be back on track working less than 20 hours.

Is this acceptable? Can I get away with this considering that I will be working far less than 80 hours this month?
I risk loosing my job if I am absent, but also know that this is illegal. I don’t understand how is this fair for me…It’s been stressing me out. What should I do? Can’t I be overlooked for this?


Who can work for more than 20 hours?

International students may work for more than 20 hours per week if they labour in certain critical sectors.

The essential service sectors of Canada have been identified as follows:

  • Energy and utilities
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Finance
  • Health
  • Food
  • Water
  • Transportation
  • Safety
  • Government

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Final Thoughts

Recently, To aid in the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak, the government will lift the restriction allowing international students to work up to 20 hours per week while classes are in session, as long as they are employed in an essential service or function, such as health care, critical infrastructure, or the supply of food or other critical goods.

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